In the backseat of a car,
A child sits quietly,
The wheels spin slowly over tar,
He stares out the window dreamily,
In the front his parents are busy,
To even pay him any attention,
In their minds its just the thought of money,
Or finding a complicated business solution,
He sighs while looking on the outside,
Buses rumbling, people walking, bikes zooming,
A yawn escapes his mouth; its a really slow ride,
A few minutes later the child is dreaming,
He never had this dream before,
It was a dream in a myriad of colors,
He was sure this dream was not a bore,
Unlike the other dreams he abhors,
The dream was populated,
With his friends and favorite heroes,
It was also filled with toys he wanted,
This dream definitely killed his woes,
A certain "Big Blue",
Took him for a flight up in the sky,
If only this were all true,
To have the ability to fly,
Next up was a ride on a "Speeder bike",
With a very famous "Skywalker",
This was 1 dream he didn't just like,
He wished he'd be able to stay in it forever,
They raced to the edge of hill,
Where they stood to watch the twin suns set,
What a sight it was; remember this dream he will,
A dog appeared; she was once his pet,
Seeing her he breaks down in tears,
Hugging her and patting her the usual way,
She was his only friend who helped fight his fears,
He loved her so much and missed her everyday,
Master and pet then strolled in a meadow,
Lush greenery and all sorts of pretty flowers,
There was a stream that had an unending flow,
Bears were fishing for their suppers,
Wearing flannel shirts and overalls,
They looked funny; sort of like hillbillies,
One greeted him and clumsily stumbles and falls,
A loud splash followed scaring away the guppies,
Entering the woods across the stream,
He skips and he sings,
The trees do not stop the sunbeam,
From shining through the surroundings,
He finds an opening,
He lies down facing the sky laden with clouds,
He falls asleep under skies that are comforting,
And the silence of the forest without any sounds,
As he was about to fall into a deep sleep,
He heard his mother calling his name,
He had to tell her; this was a dream he couldn't keep,
This dream changed his life; it was never the same,
The child has grown,
But he still visits this dream,
This dream calms his feelings of being down,
To him its much better than "Cookies and Cream",
It may be childish,
But it keeps him alive,
Its where he stores his every wish,
Its this dream that makes him thrive.
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